April 3, 2007

Spanish/English poetry

The poem in both Spanish and English below is transcribed from the book Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Being young and Latino in the United States. Ask a librarian where to find it on the shelf to read more heart-felt and honest poetry.

Llena mi mundo con musica
por Sandra Maria Esteves (translated from the English by Isaac Goldemberg)

Llena mi mundo con musica
amaneceres y ritmo de hierbabuena
melodias de barro y congas quintiando
necesito que me armonicen
asi que llena mi mundo loco con sonidos suaves
una mano calida para tocar
cosas sencillas
llena mi mundo estancado con vibracion
en contrapunto
hasta que cada dedo de cada mano de mis dos brazos
cobre vida en todo mi unico cuerpo
no un compas aislado
o una nota desafinada sin tono
en algun silencio miscelaneo
no quiero ahogarme en Ay benditos!
asi que por favor,
llename con algo real
depende de, pon mi hora de andar a
quiero un sonido
que me despierte
y me haga a vibrar.

Fill My World with Music
by Sandra Maria Esteves

Fill my world with music
sunrise and mint julep rhythm
earthen melodies and congas quintiando
I need to be harmonized
so fill my crazy world with soft sounds
a resonance of graffiti melody
a warm hand to touch
simple things
fill my stagnant world with vibration
in counterpoint
till each finger of each hand on both arms
is alive in my one entire body
not one isolated beat
or a flat note with no tone
in some miscellaneous silence
I don't want to drown in Ay benditos!
so please,
fill me with something for real
depend upon, set my walking time to
I want some sound
to wake me up
and work me out.
