March 9, 2009

Teen Tech Month: Mixed Emoticons

Main Entry: emo·ti·con
Pronunciation: \i-ˈmō-ti-ˌkän\
Function: noun
Etymology: emotion + icon
Date: 1987
Definition: a group of keyboard characters (as :-)) that typically represents a facial expression or suggests an attitude or emotion and that is used especially in computerized communications (as e-mail)

From: Merriam Webster Online

How expressive are emoticons? I think most of us occasionally sprinkle them in emails and IMs. I find them quite handy when I need to clarify the meaning behind my words. ;)

Could you write a poem or tell an entire story with emoticons? Rives, a comedian, storyteller and slam poet, does just that. Watch.

Feeling inspired? Try writing your own emoticon poem in the comments section, below.

March 2, 2009

If You'd Never Been Born, Well What Would You Be?

You might be a fish! Or a toad in a tree!

Celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss today. Head on over to Seussville and play in the playground or create your own seuss-story.

Post a comment: What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

March 1, 2009

March is Teen Tech Month

The Young Adult Library Association's 3rd Annual Teen Tech Week is March 8-14 this year. Fauquier Libraries will celebrate throughout the month of March with gaming events, a text-messaging contest, polls, and more. Watch this space for updates each week.

So, Why is there a Teen Tech Month, Anyway?

Teen Tech Month is all about connecting teens with different technologies, especially those available through the library. This year, librarians across the country are encouraging teens to "press play" on mp3 players, DVD players, game controllers and more. Teens use these digital devices to explore and learn about their world - and libraries are here to help. Download an eAudiobook to your computer or mp3 player and get lost in a fantasy world. Check out a DVD and learn how to Pop, Lock, and Break, or start speaking Chinese with a book on CD.

Press Play

One of the best ways to learn a new technology is by "playing" with it. Some teens at the Cedar Lee Library Lounge have been learning HTML after school with the HTML Playground over at (boys are welcome to play, too). The tutorial gives you some tips on building your first web page and lets you try out some commonly used tags with instant results.

For kids who are interested in building their first web site, check out A Kid's Guide to Creating Web Pages For Home and School by Benjamin and Peter Selfridge. It's a great beginner's guide for parents, too!
